Pom to the Granate

The day took an early unexpected twist, when Asha woke with an upset stomach. So we've had a quiet day at home, taking it easy & watching films. 
We all went out to the swings this evening to give Asha some fresh air and a change of scenery.

I'm getting a bit obsessed with pomegranate...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha doing well after a quiet day in.
2) Asha's generosity...she's been sharing round her sweets from the 31st...yesterday with the kids from the community...today she made party bags up for 2 of Danny's students (to tell them "well done for having a beautiful café"! ha!).
3) Realising that having Christmas here and on our own for the first time, we have freedom to get creative and do things differently...we have one or 2 people with us...but I'm enjoying thinking about how we could do things...imagine taking our big table down to the square and having a feast with the homeless guys and some of our friends here?! So much fun!! 

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