a figure from Alice in Wonderland. I saw this silly mouse in the Garden Center.
Today Mischa has her Birthday and we celebrate her and Piet Hein's birthday (from October).
After drinking coffee at our place, we cycle to Scheveningen. It is a surprise Mischa has planned. First a visit to the Muzee museum. It is a big surprise for us all. It is a culture- and natural history museum showing the history of Scheveningen, of the fisherpersons, the sea life habitants, etc.
After that we go to the lighthouse, we get an excursion with fabulous information, and climb all the steps to the balustrade at almost 50 meters high.
In the morning the sun had shone so brightly, all-blue sky.
At the time we left the museum it rained and the wind blew.
So at the top there was not the usual view, but it was a stunning experience all the same. From the height we climbed down again and to get warm we drank tea at the Watergeus, a beach cafe.
When we were warm again we cycled back home.
There it was tea time again. We have ordered delicious Thai food and will watch a film after eating.\

Tomorrow I will catch up again and watch the silly scenes, and comment.

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