Autumn Crocus or Colchicum

These are flowering in the corner of mums garden at the moment and are looking really strong and lovely. The bulbs had a spell ripening in the greenhouse this year and were then replanted in a cleared corner of the garden fairly recently. It seems to have suited them.

It was her morning for attending the clinic - a follow up to her cataract operation, unfortunately when we got there it had been cancelled. There was a long story about trying to contact her by phone and we also tried unsuccessfully to contact them in return but I won't bore anyone with it now - sufficient to say that the surgery was not being terribly efficient.

Instead we explored the market at South Elmsall, which is bigger than I imagined. Bought fish and veggies for our evening meal and then went on to the Rob Royd Farm Shop for our lunch. We also bought scones which we had with our afternoon tea - delicious!

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