Our Little Soldier

Aunty Julia bought Hendrix his soldier outfit and here you can see his little hat with the guardsmen on it.
It's been a busy day so I've added some extras, have to have a tidy up of past ones as I'm getting low on available numbers!
It started with putting the Sunday joint on at 0800, off to Church to see Dhylan and Lennon taking part in the Remembrance Service for the Scout group. 
I had to leave early so I've used a photo, that Joanne sent to me, of Lennon giving his lesson. It was so good, and emotional, that we used it for the grace at dinner around 1400. I've typed it below.
I left early to attend the Remembrance Service at the war memorial in Gloucester, more extras.
After dinner I left home at 17:15 to go to Cheltenham town hall for a Festival of Remembrance organised by the Royal British Legion. A wonderful brass band and male voice choir of the Fire service. They played for 1.5 hours followed by the remembrance ceremony, hymns and, prayers and lessons from various faith leaders in the region.

A busy day but very good, the final extra shows a deserted Regent Arcade car park in Cheltenham as I was leaving to go home.

Lennons Lesson;
"Remember the carnage; the colossal horror of war. 
Remember the widows of sixy years and more , the old men and women wo never knew their fathers. 
Remember the love that was lost, the wisdom wasted, the minds that are still pained by memories.
Remember the families bereft by recent wars and conflicts.
Remember this day the children who will die while nation fights nation.
Remember the one who asked us to remember them
Father, remember us; and forgive us our sins against you and our fellow men."
This is from 'Resources for Remembrance from Service Chaplains'.

"When you go home tell them of us and say, For your tomorrow, we gave our today"
Kohima Epitath,  https://www.burmastar.org.uk/memorials/kohima-epitaph/

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