A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Morning smile.

I had smiles from Eda this morning during our morning time and I'm sure you were wanting to see her, so here she is.

I've increased my singing repertoire to 'You are My Sunshine'; 'How do You Like your Eggs in the Morning' and 'Golden Slumbers'. I think she liked them.

It was a miserable day but we went to Dyrham Park, a NT property near Bath, later in the morning and enjoyed a tour around the house. It was originally Tudor but most of the building was done in the 17th century by William Blathwayt. He was a friend of William of Orange and the house has much Dutch influence in the art work and porcelaine.

There are deer here also - 180 fallow deer apparently. We saw a couple including a stag with one large antler who sat quite happily beside the drive.

We had a very nice lunch and a look round the shop, getting a couple of Christmas presents.
Well definitely come back on a sunny day to enjoy the grounds and gardens
By the time we returned to the car it was very foggy. Eda was in the carrier again and slept through the whole thing!

Forgot to say, one of the best bits of our visit was following a sign that said 'This way to try real 17th century hot chocolate. We did and it was amazing. Spiced with a hint of orange flower. You could have the recipe too. It originated in India. Grace was disappointed not to be able to buy a mix for it.  It was delicious, not too sweet and with a kick!

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