
By Topsyturvy

Gravestone uses

This one has found use as a bridge, although Poppydog never uses it as she would rather paddle (again!). I suppose you could use them as pavers or walling material too. No doubt lateral thinkers would come up with lots of clever ideas. It feels wrong to me to be walking on someone's headstone, however useful it might be.
I'm confusing myself by trying to be superhealthy and work it into a feasible ongoing plan which gives stick insect LH enough fuel and me sufficient but not excess. Theres a lot of interesting research being done but the different priorities make it hard to juggle, I find. We are such a Jack Sprat couple. So that was a couple of futile hours this afternoon. But the day was redeemed by going along to a little stitch (mostly knit) group; those 2 hours were a LOT more productive!

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