A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Autumn Colours II

After a day of many parties you might think I would take the option of a morning lying around in bed whilst Carl took J to football. But it was a gloriously sunny autumnal day and, unusually, Anna was persuadable to go and watch so it seemed a good idea to blow away the cobwebs by going along too. Match was home and Anna has now discovered that not only is there a playground next to the pitch the cafe serves a Hot Chocolate Royale (cream, marshmallows and extra chocolate) and has said she would like to watch more matches there. I suspect if it was raining she might think differently but it is a nice sentiment and it was lovely to be watching J together. He had a great game and scored so was a very happy boy. I took my telephoto lens and had lots of fun taking pictures of the odd faces the boys all pull when they are playing but opted instead for this picture of autumnal leaves against the beautiful sky. I've been quite neglectful of focusing (ha ha) on the quality of my pictures lately but a chat with Carl this morning that resulted in him suggesting he buy me a new lens for my birthday has given me a bit of a kick up the backside and I'm going to stop myself 'settling' for any old thing quite as much as I have been. Though I don't imagine that realistically it will happen everyday, once a week would be a big improvement on late.

But back to the day....back home for a roast beef lunch before Carl rushed out to his first band rehearsal in, er....a very long time. The band that he rallied together for my 30th are having a 10 year reunion in a few weeks so they need to dust off their wares. They have played in the intervening years but there has also been a great amount of moving houses, changing jobs and producing children between them (though not together!) so in recent years there hasn't been a lot of 'banding'. I am chuffed to bits they are playing again and Carl was really excited as he headed off. I hope it's been good.

Me and the kids managed to leap the homework hurdle relatively painlessly and have spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out at home, dozing under the papers and vaguely watching some telly....well, I have anyway. They have probably been more diligent about it.

Lesley x

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