Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Yellow-bellied sapsucker

Such an undignified name for a bird that is actually quite pretty in a woodpeckerish kind of way.  Although this isn't a particularly fine photo, it may be the best I get of this species this year.  I have been seeing at least one sapsucker darting around in the cedars for the last few weeks, but never out in the open enough for a photo.  This morning, as I was lurking in the driveway in my car mobile hide,  photographing robins, I suddenly saw a white-ish belly hanging upside down from a branch.  It eventually hopped up and revealed itself to be an apparently young sapsucker.  My 46th yard bird species to be blipped this year.

It's a tad warmer outside than the last few days, but very windy so it really isn't all that pleasant to be out.  So, I spent some time finalizing plans for Thanksgiving, even buying all the non-perishables.  Took the Little Dog for a walk.  Sorted a few more photos.  Thinking I'll start a fire...

Hubs had a meeting in southern New Jersey today so won't be home until late tonight so it will just be Little Dog, the cats and I.  

Speaking of the 4-legged family members, it seems like the cats may be close to reaching a detente of sorts with the dog.  They are cautiously coming downstairs now,  giving the dog wide berth and the occasional hiss, but at least all three are able to be in the same room without the dog trying to chase and bark at the cats.  I think they may be starting to realize that the dog represents no danger - after all, the dog is 15, arthritic, nearly deaf and has cataracts.  I'd put the odds of her ever actually catching one of the cats somewhere between zero and none.  And even if she did, the cats have all their sharp, pointy parts which they are not afraid to use...

Off to get start the fire...


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