WildPlace Blips

By WildPlace

West Highland Way - Day 6

Crianlarich to Bridge of Orchy, 13 miles

Boots nice and dry.

A wet and soggy start and uphill for about a mile to re-join the route. Walking was easy enough, still plenty of flooded streams but not quite as bad as yesterday. Though in places the water was just pouring off the hillside (photo).

The wettest part was having to walk through the river at Tyndrum - ankle deep, very cold, and over the top of my boots making my feet wet and i still had 7 miles to walk! Ah well, it stopped raining...

A pleasant easy walk to Bridge of Orchy, when I arrived I sat outside the hotel with a coffee, then treated myself to a large glass of wine. As there is no accommodation available here (even back in July when I first looked) i've booked into a hostel back in Tyndrum so I get the bus back to there.

Hostel is fabulous (it's called By the Way), modern and very friendly owners. Met Gill a lovely Aussie (Perth) lady around about my age, we're sharing a room with a Belgian girl. A package has arrived there for me from my lovely daughter - new hiking socks and Compeed :D

Shower, food and an early night.

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