Garbage and Gulls

The birds need to eat,
the birds need to get plump.
 But, do they have to do it...
at the massive dump?

They dig into the garbage,
they dig into the trash.
But when the Cat approaches...
the birds get whiplash.

I got two early (7:30) phone calls this morning, waking me out of a sound sleep. One from my wife, one from my son. I thought Lisa's call was a crank call, because the person was crying. Come to find out, she had taken a fall on our back porch, and cracked the back of her head on the concrete. I felt bad.

As for my son...he locked his keys in his truck, and he needed me to bring him his spare set.

Both are home now. Lisa did go to work, and has a big bump on her noggin, and Jeff is keeping an eye on his keys.

The big dump was near my son's place of work. Can you imagine depending on a place like this for your very existence?

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