
Today is exactly the kind of day when resistance to this chunky KitKat is especially challenging. It has lain on my desk for a week since being given to me as a present by His Lordship. Every time he sees it still there, he enquiries when I’m going to eat it. I know he secretly hopes I will offer it back, but I am too mean to let him have it when I have had to overcome such temptation to save it for a rainy day. If this is not that day, then I am a Dutchman, as the saying goes.

The mist is down over the City and rain has seeped into every fibre of life. There is no wind, so the dying leaves on the trees hang sodden in russet wreaths on rain soaked branches.
The Meadows are almost empty. The dog walkers have beaten a hasty retreat and the students have come and gone. Only the odd figure or two bent under umbrellas cross the paths on their way into town.
The streets are awash with cars splashing through great puddles and spraying unwary pedestrians walking near the roadway.

I sit looking at this scene in my study with no heating as our boiler has once again failed to work. The engineer has checked everything for the second time in less than a week and can find no problem - but there obviously is a problem if the water pressure keeps falling.
All I fantasize about is sitting in front of a roaring fire. Perhaps I should visit blipper Snapper. She has a fire to die for.

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