When Black Friday Comes ...

I'll be pleased to wave it goodbye again. I'm amazed at the stuff that comes into my inbox from even the good companies offering such rubbish as 'Black Friday' deals. I'd be pleased to hear if anybody has actually had a proper bargain on one of these promotions because it doesn't seem very likely to me by all the rehashed regular stuff that gets branded Black Friday.

The original Black Friday of course was Friday the 24th September 1869 when a group of investors in the US tried to push up the price of gold by buying up loads of it. The government got wind and released 4 million dollars worth of gold which busted the lot of 'em! It was that which inspired the Steely Dan record, which is probably the only good thing with Black Friday on its label.

This little estate in Bishopsteignton looks like a proper patriotic community with one Union Flag at the bottom of the street and another one at the top. It's the Queen and Prince Philip's 70th anniversary today but these flags will be here tomorrow and every day after.

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