Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hiding in plain sight...

Thank you for your warm response to yesterday's "forever monarch".  For once, I am at a loss for words so I'll just say that I am deeply touched.

Today's image was taken through the kitchen window this morning as I was chatting with my parents.  Always amazing to me how perfectly the goldfinches blend into their surroundings in winter - had I not seen a flutter of wings, I'd have never noticed them there munching away on the coneflower seed heads.  Would have been nice to get a shot without a slightly dirty double-pane window in the way, but ...oh well.

It was, as always, really great to talk with my parents.  I've had something that has been troubling me during the last week and it was good to talk to them and get their perspective and wisdom.  I feel better. I don't think you're ever too old to need your mom and dad.

Hubs is off to southern NJ for a couple of days, so the house feels a little empty.  Well, as empty as a house can feel with two cats and a dog.  Speaking of which, Charlie the cat is sitting by the window near my desk  watching the birds in the shrub just outside, while the little dog sits nervously on her bed next to my desk.  Oh, how the tides have changed...

Thank you again for your very kind words.  Have a wonderful week!


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