Tiny Tuesday - N is for... Nibbled

A mild morning and following our morning walk around the village I went hunting for n-stuff in the garden. 

The mint has been liberally sampled by something or other, and this leaf possibly shows what the plant thought of it. As we learn more about the world we share, we find out the most extraordinary stuff, like how the smell of fresh cut grass is in fact a distress signal, trees speak to each other over a network of mycelium and cucumbers squeal when they are unwell... clearly vegetarians have much to ponder. There is no separation.

At the same time of course, our blessed* government has determined not to carry forward post-Brexit the recognition that animals are sentient beings that can feel emotion and pain and therefore deserve rights that protect them from discomfort and distress. Presumably after they've annihilated the remaining badger population that will allow them to enjoy a bit more fox hunting.

[edited 23/11/17 to reflect an updated [url=https://www.gov.uk/government/news/environment-secretary-confirms-sentience-of-animals-will-continue-to-be-recognised-and-protections-strengthened-when-we-leave-the-eu]comment[/url] from Env Sec Gove. Interesting to see public opinion does still have some clout.]

* ok, not blessed but this is a polite place and blasted wasn't tough enough. I hope you enjoyed the look on the mint leaf. It's pretty much what I look like when I read the morning news. ;-)

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