Mono Monday - Illuminated

Yes, you're right. I nicked the plastic diamonds that decorated the tables at "a recent family event"... Had I not, I'm sure they would by now have been landfilled or flushed down the toilet, so I don't feel at all bad about repurposing them into my Mono Monday 148 shot.

Be nice if they were real, eh. And yet even then I'm conflicted (pun intended) about the production of jewellery diamonds. Hey ho. It feels at the moment that everywhere I look there is disharmony and unease - politics, poverty, and yes even local planning. I'm getting a strong need to retreat into hibernation until it all passes over.

These plastic baubles were illuminated by the feeble sunlight coming in through the window. Mostly at the same time as the windows were almost opaque with the blatter of the rain. 

21st November... can it be that we are no more than a month away from the Winter Solstice? Now that's worth looking forward to. :-) Thanks to TheAphid for brightening up [cough] the start of the week. 

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