Toadstools. Obviously!

I could really start to dislike Thursdays!!
They always get off to a stressful start having to get the Little Misses up, ready and out as well having to get myself ready for work. Yes, I could do it the night before but that would involve a personality transplant!!
I drop the Little Misses off and drive to work. I've generally worked myself up into a bit of a tizz despite the fact that the lessons always go well.
Then it's home to Archie. I feel guilty for leaving him but he always seems OK - pleased to see me but not crazy over excited.
I take him out for a walk  and then there's just time to sit down with a cup of tea for half an hour before going to get the Little Misses for Miss L's swimming.
Miss E does her 11+ homework while Miss L is swimming. Because she's only had a week to do it. Why not wait until half an hour before?!!!!
Then it's a fifteen minute drive to her 11+ lesson. 
I drop her off and then drive back to Buckingham with Miss L.  There's no point in going home for fifteen minutes so we usually got to Tescos or Aldi. To ring the changes today we went to Waitrose to get Thai basil and a free cup of tea.
We waited in the car park listening to Harry Potter before going to get Mr K from the bus, driving home to drop him and Miss L off and then twenty minutes back to get Miss E.
Then home to collapse on the sofa, drink tea and grunt at anyone who speaks to me.
Why does everything have to be on the same day?!!!!

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