The Long Walk

It was dry when PD arrived.
It was changing between rain and misty drizzle while we were out (and he insisted on his long walk).
It took two towels to dry him!

We picked up SWMBO's mother and headed to the airport to pick up a couple of her friends who are up visiting her for a few days.
We were nearly at the airport when the arrival status changed to an hour late .... not bad for an hour flight that was meant to have taken off an hour and a hour before and was marked "as scheduled" 15 minutes earlier.
So we went for a coffee.
We then arrived at the airport 10 minutes after the plane landed and it cost £7 for 20 minutes waiting (despite having a disabled permit!
Talk about daylight robbery.

We all then went for a plate of soup and a chin wag before dropping them off at MIL's house.

Surprisingly PD wasn't jumping about with crossed legs needing to go for his walk - and the rain mainly held off while we went for our walk.
But it was wet which meant  Reflections! .......... or wet feet and bum.
I stuck with the reflections.

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