Windy Day by the Canal

I had to take the car into Loughborough to have the airbag on the driver's side replaced. It was a Toyota recall. The garage said it would take an hour. This, I thought, is a good opportunity to take Basil for a stroll by The Grand Union Canal, which runs at the back of the garage.

It also seemed a good chance to try and capture some cloud movement using stopper filters, since it was very windy and gloomy.

This was my final attempt having to resort to a Big Stopper at 40 seconds. It didn't help that I had brought the wrong remote control trigger for the Fuji camera. I should also have added an nd grad for the sky.

I've been wistful the last week or two seeing all those photos published on trips to the Lakes and Glencoe and not having been able to join in. But I do have access to the Grand Union Canal as a stretch of water to add contrast.

It took almost three hours, not one, to fix the car, but they did at least wash and clean it as well for which I was grateful. I'd been meaning to take the car in for a wash for months. Basil and I sat in the coffee area at the garage and I started chatting to a couple there. They were astonished that I go on my own on photographic trips. No partner nor husband in attendance? I replied that there was no point. He doesn't like photographers.

Calendar Company did its thing and delivered the outstanding batch of choir calendars so I was able to distribute them all at choir rehearsal last night. Bit of a relief. Now the bill to pay.

Descending the stairs at choir rehearsal, I jolted the knee. OWW! A lot of sympathetic noises. The music director just wanted me to sit down so he could get on with rehearsal.

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