Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


It’s been too long since I last blipped my pal, Mo; but everything I said about him then remains true

He’s currently cultivating this rather splendid moustache for Movember, to raise money for men’s health - specifically including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, men’s mental health and suicide prevention. Very important causes, I’m sure you’ll agree

Today he stood down from our Trustee board after providing sterling service and support over the last few years. We’re sorry to see him go but we’re delighted for him that he’ll be getting some of his life back! And I know we’ll still see each other regularly. In fact, I’m hoping I might actually see him again tomorrow...

He’ll also still be working tirelessly in his day job, linking people from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee communities into the mental health support they need and advocating for their rights across the board.

He’s one of Liverpool’s great treasures.

What better song for today than ‘Mr Moustache’ by Nirvana?

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