Genetic Engineering - A Step too Far?

I was going to put up a picture of SWMO's Bonsai but I realised I had done it already - albeit not as well.

So you get a mix of the fruit that the monsters had in their packed lunches and the fruit I had my sandwich.

I was woken this morning by the neighbours scraping the ice off their cars.
Just as well we don't have PD on Fridays!
By the time we had to go down to the school to collect the monsters it was snowing ........ not lying though.

The monsters and I played dominoes before it was time for Squirrel to go to a play date (no gymnastics for her today) and the rest of us went for drinks and cake at the land of flowers.
The Cygnet insisted on looking at the fish afterwards surprise there.
I have 5 (nearly) usable pictures ..... a goldfish with a punk hair style - a clown fish in an anemone and three eyes  1 ........ 2 ......... 3

Now I am just sitting and relaxing with a glass of wine.

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