Where's Charles?

We lost him.
It rained heavily overnight with a few loud noises so we thought he'd hidden or got shut in somewhere.....
We called, we looked, we searched to no avail.
Eventually David was feeling a bit cold - yes it was cold today and I resorted to a fleece! - and went to his wardrobe.  Charles was lying wrapped up in Dave's sock drawer, snug as a bug..... and was not that impressed at being discovered and moved on....
Have had a day of lovely, soft rain after the heavier night rains.  Everything is looking decidedly happy and wet.  
The murram road to the tar one is awash and full of mud now - makes for interesting driving - and the car is now very brown, rather than her gentle cream!
Had a day in town as we are hosting dinner tonight for 9; the queues in Woolies were horrendous. Took an hour to get out but we enjoyed nattering to those in front and behind us in the queue to pass the time.
We watched some rugby this afternoon - SA vs Italy. Thankfully SA won even though it was a boring game!

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