Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


After all those Choc Fish The Boss got a serious attack of guilt today so up the mountain it was. The Boss figures that one round trip on the mountain uses a zillion calories and as he hadn't been there for a week or so, he seemed to struggle more than usual. MY FRIEND PETER opted out this morning "Cos he had to put the washing out. Note to readers...It was raining this morning. Hmmmmm?
There is this marker (Trig) on the top of the mountain and as I am a specialist marker (so says The Boss) I must protest about the unreachable design. Goodness it would need a Greyhound on a box to reach the main bits of this and marking the tiny leg bits is just not the same. How do I know this...Because it is unmarked at present. Trust me. So here I am looking helpless and wearing my old collar 'Cos it was raining. (Bethanne please note)

On the way down we had a bit of fun. There was this bunch of ladies having a photo shoot and The Boss sidles up behind them and popped his arm around one for the photo. The photographer was so addled that she missed the shot laughing so they did it again with The Boss and ME in the frame this time. Big woofs to the "Tuesday Trekkers" from Christchurch who were having a really fun time in our town.

Breaking news...I now have a non blue collar (actually red) so you can STOP calling me a boy. OK?
AND further more there is a nice new colour coordinated tag to be ordered on the WWW tonight. Amazing service from the vet. You buy a voucher and go online to pick from a huge range and specify your engraving and they send it to you the next day. Lovely designs. (There is one with a crown) Oh be still my heart. AND there is one with a heart too. Stars? Haven't seen one of those but I guess there are not too many Blipping dogs. I shall complain. Mark my words/barks.
AND thank you all for the great fun on Choc fish. There are 3 residing on ice at the moment. Oh dear another zillion calories.
Closer to the Mark

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