The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The dreaded blue lights

Coming back from climbing in Gloucester with LA, I spotted blue flashing lights on the road ahead. LA reckoned it was a glorious display of blue LED Christmas lights!

As we drove closer, it became clear that there was indeed an incident, and the radio eventually informed us that there was a fallen tree across the road. There was no wind! The blue lights were being provided by three fire engines. It was, of course, completely dark by this time.

We had to do a U-turn, and LA got us safely back to Stroud via Bosnia and Herzegovina. At least she got out of going to a meeting!

Last day of our WEA course on the early 1970s. Hard to believe I started in the 1930s, and that was only five years ago! I've learned so much: today it was about musical influences of the time.

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