Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hello, little lady!

I can usually count on finding lady beetles out on warm winter days, and today was no exception.  I actually found this one on a leaf in the garden that was still green.  I plucked the leaf and popped it into my soft box (placed in direct sun on the patio) and snapped a selection of photos.  It was cold enough that the little lady didn't want to move around, so she was a willing and compliant subject.  Nice for a change.

Started my round of antibiotics last night, which should kick a fresh case of Lyme to the curb.  Unfortunately, the first time I contracted Lyme I didn't catch it until I became symptomatic several months later.  Which means that it is not "curable" although it's unlikely to ever be a big problem.  I've had one flare up of it when I was going through an especially stressful period when we were moving back to New Jersey, but otherwise, it just sits silently in my body.  Which I can certainly live with.  That said, I don't want to let any other Lyme cooties loose in my system.  Death to ticks.

Hubs and I are going to head out for a walk after lunch - shooting for 2 miles again.  It's gorgeous out today - in the mid 50's F.  So nice that I spread the last bit of mulch in the garden and moved several of the big pots with perennials into a more protected spot.  Just nice being out with only a polar fleece (and pants, of course.)

Very disturbed to read the news about Matt Lauer this morning.  But I am also glad to see all of this finally coming out into the open.  As a woman who began my career in the 70's, I certainly experienced my share of "inappropriate" behavior through the years as I rose up the corporate ladder.  It would be my hope that little girls growing up today don't have to deal with that sort of crap.  And, I should also add that neither should young men be subjected to unwanted advances from anyone in a position of power.  

Happy Hump Day (clarifying - "hump day" refers to the day where the week crests the hump and begins the slide into the weekend.)


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