Monday Walk

I went to Mrs K's this morning after dropping off the Little Misses. 
This morning was very fraught with Miss E - lots of shouting and tears (mostly from me!!!!) and it was nice to offload and be reminded that other people's children are loons too!!!!
I was saying how much I struggle at this time of year, how miserable I feel when it's perpetually dark and how, at the moment, it seems worse because I'm so busy with teaching and taster sessions, the house is going to pot, there's no time to do anything, I'm forgetting school stuff and feel like everything's a bit out of control.
Mrs K plugged in her SAD light and suggested that I sit by it for twenty minutes. It was like instant sunshine!!!
Whether it was talking to a friend, drinking delicious Yorkshire tea, eating cinnamon and raisin bagels, or whether it was the twenty minutes of sunlight I felt so much better when  I left than I did when I got there!
I will be ordering myself a SAD lamp to sit by!!
I dashed home to pick up Archie and carried on to Stoke Woods to meet my mum, Elsie and River for our now regular Monday walk in the woods. It was as lovely as ever! 
Archie didn't stop running for two hours and was completely sparko on the sofa when it was time for me to go to Miss L's Assembly at 2pm.
It was very sweet - all about Thanksgiving and getting ready for Christmas. 
It finished early so there was time for Miss L and I go to the cafe at Miss E's school for tea, smoothies and crisps before picking up Miss E for rock climbing. 
As usual I spent the time chatting to Mr S while Miss L ate her baked potato wth chicken, bacon and mayo.
We discussed Schrödinger's cat, the fact the Meatloaf can't sing any more, the architecture of Zaha Hadid and bathing your children in baths full of custard!!

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