or 2555 bliphotos! It feels as a privilege to be part of the community.
And given a stimilus day in day out to pay attention to the things and scenes my eyes meet. To follow the seasons in their appearances.
Seeing inspiring photos of fellow blippers, having insights in their lives, learning of the happier and the sadder moments too.
When I opened the curtains this morning there was a white world outside waiting. Snow? Snow! And lots of it.
I started my day with drawing the four flowers on carton cake sheets, which I had bought at the Kik earlier for this reason. That was the easiest part. I had in mind to carry these flowers on poles like a bouquet. But there everything did not work well to say the least.
In the end I glued them on the fabric that had to be the backdrop for my photo. It still snowed and it was cold. I did not feel the cold at first, neither did Piet Hein who had to take the picture.
When everything was well placed, there was again a much more easier part. And for the choosing of the blip I have asked Mischa to have a look too and pick one of the five on flickr.
I show in the extra a photo of the snow landscape along the river Weser, where we walked in the afternoon till we met the sheep, with their thick woolen coats. But they looked a bit poor in our opinion. The snow will disappear soon, and rain will fall instead, probably.

I had the pleasure to see all the silly entries in the galleries, and again this gave me lots and lots of fun. So nice to see the funny sights and scenes from everywhere. I did comment too on all, and will give my first hearts to Gaby34320 (300th blip too), BVFL33, dfb24, meancoast, Marlieske, and njoyce06.

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