A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


The kids seemed a little out of kilter after school today. Nothing major just one of those days when everything each did seemed to hit a nerve with the other and wind them up. An enforced period of separation whilst Anna had her singing lesson seemed to do the trick and they headed outside to play cricket before tea. But then it turned out that someone hadn't explained all the rules properly, or someone changed the rules when it was their turn, or they were playing to completely different rules, or something. I wasn't entirely listening as I didn't really want to join in. They abandoned cricket and tried making an obstacle course which again started well until someone did something in the wrong order or something...

Actually just thinking about it the correlation (as it so often is with my kids) could have been food, as I was about to write - we had tea and ever since they have settled into a happy game of Destination.

Perhaps if I hadn't been awake since 5am I would have worked that out earlier....doh! My lack of sleep Monday night / early start on Tuesday has had a jet-lag like effect and completely thrown me this week. Too early to bed last night meant a too early start this morning despite a good night's sleep. Another early night tonight as a properly early start tomorrow and then hopefully I can get myself back on track. And even manage some proper parenting. Possibly.

Lesley x

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