A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Hot Chocolate Roy*

*would have been Royale had there been cream in addition to the marshmallows, as per the drink Anna discovered at football on Sunday. But she was happy enough with her after school treat as is. Earned by a lovely act of thoughtfulness this morning....I had an early start, alarm went off at 5.45am to be presentable to the general public, or more specifically a corporate client, by 6.30am for my first webinar of my new job. A little odd to be wearing lippie at 6am that is not a remnant of the night before but heyho, I guess I'll get used to it. As will the other playground folks who were rightly amused by my smart appearance at school run. I had hoped for time to change but it didn't happen despite the help from Anna that earned her this treat...sounds simple enough but rushing downstairs to find her getting on with preparing hers and J's lunches without any prompting fair tugged at my heart.

So this morning went pretty well for a first go and at least the first one is out of the way and I know what to expect, not least from myself having arisen so early. And hopefully next time (Thursday) I will sleep a little better the night before. It's fair to say I haven't done a great deal else today other than raid Tiger for goodies for Anna's birthday party on Sunday and grab a nap before pick-up.

I had optimistically planned a night out but joyously both my companions have had to cancel so I shall be heading sofawards as soon as I can. I might even make myself a Hot Chocolate Roy.

Lesley x

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