At the Hairdressers

I'm slightly disorientated writing this on the right day. 
Not having to wrack my brains to remember what I did a week or so ago!!
I can remember the little robin I watched through the French windows first thing as I ate my porridge (which had blueberries in it!)
I can remember Archie falling off my bed this morning - because he's an idiot dog! I especially the remember the embarrassed look on his face as he pretended it hadn't happened.  Who says dogs don't have feelings?!!
I can remember noticing the exact moment that it is sixteen days and sixteen hours until Christmas, whoop whoop!!!! We are a family who like significant dates, numbers, anniversaries  and countdowns!!!
I can remember the light smattering of snow on the car and the Little Misses' excited faces. Looking as giddy as they would if there were six foot snowdrifts!
I can remember Miss E blowing kisses to me as she went into school, and Miss L blowing kisses to me too as she went in.
All these little things I normally forget!!
From school I went to the hairdressers for a much needed haircut. A nice man gave me his ticket in the car park which made me smile. Small kindnesses!
As usual I only had a trim but it was so lovely having my hair washed and head massaged, drinking tea and eating Lotus biscuits while chatting to Miss K.
Next time I may have it dyed blonde and permed. Make it take a bit longer!!
I gave my car parking ticket to someone else in the car park as I was leaving. Such good value from one parking ticket!
I spent the afternoon watching Grantchester whilst writing Christmas cards - get me, before December 20th!!!! and wrapping parcels for eBay.
Before picking up the Little Misses I went to the Post Office, posted my parcels and re-mortgaged my house to buy two books of second class stamps. Second class!!!!!!
As I type I'm watching It Takes Two and eating lightly dusted haddock fillets. With potatoes, asparagus and sweetcorn.
8pm and I've eaten - actual food - and my Blips are up to date.  What strange new world is this?!!

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