Christmas Tree

Another day spent behind the wheel of the car … and cooking…..

Based on the forecast of heavy snow for east / northeast England on Sunday we hastily rearranged a trip to Darlington to see MIL today. Our daughter was not working this weekend (her last weekend off before February) and so she (with hubby and daughter) were able to join us, along with our son.

I went to collect our son, and he came with me and Mrs madwill to MIL’s - daughter and family drove from Doncaster to join us.

I cooked a roast chicken dinner, full roasties and Yorkshire pud job, plus blackberry and  apple pie / custard or chocolate fudge cake for pud….

A very enjoyable day, apart from the driving! I may be getting old but the modern high intensity LED headlights are really unpleasant to drive towards. They are far too bright.

Blip photo is of the Christmas tree outside the Senior Citizens Shelter in the village, before it was switched off for the day.

No chance to read blip journals today..

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