
Our son is an accountant ( as is his sister and father). He has our finances to look after and this is what is required for us to sign for the official stuff for just one part of the process each year. Crazy ( and he said so first).

He borrowed the car and trailer to go to the local tip/recycling depot. While he and his Dad were away I made two fruit cakes for presents ( we have 5 birthdays this week) and did the last 6 weeks of ironing which has been building up since before our holidays in October.

We then sold a tandem kids bike attached to a mountain bike - it's not required now the kids have their own bikes.

We then went out to a property where a friend of mine has an award winning solar home built from straw bales and cob from their property. It is gorgeous.

I suddenly thought I hadn't watered the front garden all week and after tea I thought I didn't have a blip. Typical, always running from one thing to another. Retirement does sound a good option, I'm too busy to go to work. If anyone asks if I have finished my Christmas shopping I'll laugh, I haven't started. I guess I'll do cards this week but I usually like to get the birthdays out of the way before I think of Christmas.

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