
By Jamjar

This was taken from the viewpoint above Llyn Gwynant at the end of a long journey to North Wales... in fact it's never taken me so long.  You can just see the line of the road going up to Pen-y-Pass.

I set off from Derby at about 10.30am and all was going well until I found the traffic at a standstill on the A55.  I'm still not sure what had happened, presumably an accident, but the road was shut and after a long wait we had to come off at J31.  After a quick look at the roadmap I opted to cut across to join the A5 via Denbigh and the A543 and although there was a fair bit of snow, the ploughs were out and I took it steady.  It was a gorgeous route, I hadn't realisd that some of it was so high!

After taking this photo I turned down the lane towards the Pinnacle Club hut and then made a mistake near the end, turning left too soon and ended up attempting to turn round on a small patch of grass... which turned out to be very sodden, slippery and muddy.  I slid a bit, tried to turn around unsuccessfully and then, rather than make matters any worse, I picked up my sleeping bag and a rucksack and walked to the hut.  Half an hour later I returned with three male club members to help me, and the farmer joined in as well.  In fact I'm not sure we would have done it without his help as he was half the age of the other three!  Needless to say, on my return to the hut I was in need of a glass of red.

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