Bunny door stop

Casper had just flopped in front of the door to the balcony and I managed to grab this one shot of him before he sat up again.

I'd let Casper out of his pen for a few hours in the morning because I had an appointment with the dentist in the afternoon. Among other things that needed doing, the dentist pulled out a wisdom tooth that had quite a large cavity. I'm now taking a pain killer and should avoid solid foods for a few days until the wound has healed a bit.

Fortunately, we hadn't had any new snow and the bus that I had to take to get to the dentist was only running a few minutes late today. Getting around on foot was still very difficult though. The pavements were very hazardous because of the snow on them so I walked on the cycling path and road instead when possible as they were much safer when there weren't any cyclist or cars on them.

Many thanks for all the comments and stars on yesterday's entry. Each one is very much appreciated.

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