Today we visit Ein El Helwe refugee camp, Saida.

This is the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebonon with more than 70.000 refugees.

Women struggles both being stateless refugee with no civil rights in Lebanon with all the consequences that brings with it, with very poor and difficult living conditions in the camp, and living in a society dominated by men.

Fagforbundet (the trade union) support Norwegian People's Aid Woman Can Do It!- project.

The topics are:
- Democracy and women's partipicapation
- Communication
- Argumentation, speeches and debates
- Working wioth the media
- Negotiation
- Networking
- Advocacy and campaigning
- Combating Violence Against Women
- How to arrange Woman Can Do for more women in their camp.

They were discussing communication and Israa was very active.

You may looking at a new future leader, a member of the popular Committee in the camp and a free and independent woman.

She can do it!

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