Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


I'm a BOY!!

Its a really beautiful sunny day outside today, even if it is quite chilly :)

So, I've been playing with Billy outside with.....a pink ribbon!

Today's blip is in celebration of 2 things:

1. I've had my beautiful majestic Mr Billy for 6 months today :)

He's a purry,
mr furry puss...

He's a good boy,
he's a bad boy,

He's been injured,
he's been scared,
he's been frightened (by just me putting my coat on even)

He runs away and hides anytime he's afraid even now, poor boy....I wonder who hurt him so much in the past!

He loves a ball, a mouse,
He chases ribbon, string and (knitting) wool :)

We've had a grand time,
we've had a ball, we've played with boxes, feathers and screwed up paper galore

Its amazing really, how much he's adapted to his new life...but he really does prefer being outside, and if I am out there too sooo much the better according to him!

I hope I never have to give him up!

2. Pink ribbon in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness Month :)

Sorry Billy, even boys have to do things with pink sometimes :):)

Hope you like it! We had fun this morning and there are a few funny images in my flickr

In other news, I am now on holiday until 30th October~yipee :)

Just rather sad I can't afford to do anything much (or go away), but I'm planning to get the camera manual out and explore photography ideas that I can walk aid of improving my walking (and hopefully my leg) and my photography :):) Suggestions of photography ideas are welcome :)

Here's hoping for some decent weather!

Need to have some lunch and get organised for my interview at 2.15pm today, I certainly need some luck (a full time job would be great!) spare money is no fun!!!

Todays list:

Get ready for interview
Go to interview


Prep for Sunday Evening service, though I now know what I plan to do...its just pulling it together! I need a picture of a nice beautiful sunset, which I haven't managed to do yet, was hoping for tonight as its sunny today, but seems doubtful now....

Have a great day blippers :)

Late update Just had a call to say I didn't get the job.... They had 49 applicants of which they interviewed 6 (including me) and had someone who ticked all the boxes who they couldn't turn down. Sooo frustrating, there is always someone better than me.... Never mind...onwards and upwards :)

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