Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Drizzling stars and hearts...

Santa and I are pleased to announce that all TT entries have been reviewed, with much ooohing and aaahing.  Followed by intense deliberations.  And, finally, our picks for this week have been narrowed down.  In no particular order, Tiny Hearts go to ...
SecondSeason for an adorable snow-family that is sure to bring smiles
davidc for his lovely tiny angle on a perfectly captured wee branch
pkin for a fabulous gang of snowmen, clearing getting about their business
Riwaka7 for a marvelous close up of glitter - who knew it was shaped like this?
Flying for a wonderful close up of a seasonal bee-fly

And Honorable Mentions to...
V1k1 for the most seasonal of the caterpillars, the Monarch
Rainie for her most adorable tiny hand made Santa
DelenaJane who always dazzles with her detailed macro images
ChrisF for a lovely image of holiday postage stamps
ShirleyRay for an unusual and interesting look at a very seasonal fruit

Thanks to everyone who joined in this week!  Next week is my last week hosting, so make me proud!  Tag your entries next week with #tt135, continuing with the seasonal theme.

Today's Santa is one of a set of 3 that I bought many years ago, each about 2 inches tall.  They were some of the first ornaments I ever bought for my tree, so they have kind of a special place in my heart.

Great time with our friends last night - we talked, laughed and enjoyed a wonderful repast of cheese, wine and homemade squash-pumkin soup (from their farm).  


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