A Star is Not a Star...

...when it’s a tree! 
I have put a picture of a festive tree of another kind in the extras. We drove through Coffey Park today and the tears which spring to my eyes unbidden whenever I see such devastation were mitigated by the number of decorated Christmas trees standing amidst the ruins. We even saw what was once a mantel decorated with stockings. Another positive sign is the number bulldozers, and trucks clearing the debris so that new houses can be built.

Clearly, the former residents of this modest subdivision were, or have become, quite organized. Last weekend they had a party complete with battery lighted trees, donated food trucks, a bounce house for the kids, live music and even St. Nick himself.

Today Is the Winter Solstice which I like because the days will be getting longer now instead of shorter. Enjoy your extra minute of daylight tomorrow....

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