Rusty scaffolding

I didn't have much time for pictures today, since this morning I was rushing up to work and afterwards, when I finished work, it was too dark. This rusty piece of scaffolding will do for my blip.

I just spoke to my dad over the phone and he seems in good spirits, which made me feel much better. As for myself, I'm feeling better as well, just a bit tired. I was supposed to go to a birthday party this evening but I was not really in the mood, so I'll have a quiet night in.

Good news is I'm off at the weekend and then I'm on holiday for two weeks. So, sixteen days off work! Planning to do lots of catching up for the next few days, so I'm staying in Scotland next week, but then I'll be going to Helsinki, Finland, for three nights on the following week. I'll only stay two full days in Helsinki, but I hope that gives me plenty of time to see most of the important sites over there, meet some blippers and maybe get to find a place where I can enjoy some local live music. You probably think I'm a bit of a masochist going to a cold place on my holidays, haha! But I'm really looking forward to it!

Tomorrow I might go and have a look at cameras to get an idea of what to get myself.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all have a great and enjoyable weekend! :)

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