Christmas Sparkle

It’s hard to feel the festive spirit while hanging laundry, scrubbing the kitchen and attempting (but failing) to fix a broken drawer.

Spirits were not lifted when I popped in the supermarket and witnessed shoppers behaving as if the apocalypse had arrived! Pushing and shoving, tutting and huffing. I grabbed my hair colour and made a quick exit.

Thankfully the motorway was clear and as I spoke to my friend (on handsfree) mutually moaning about lack of sleep, hearing about the impending onslaught of in laws and children misbehaving we had a giggle about our distinct unpreparedness for this Christmas.

“You’re so lucky to be single!” she told me. “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be!” I replied, thinking about my broken drawer. We vowed to escape to Miami next Christmas and planned a meet up for next week.

Quick pit stop at a friend’s for a cuppa and his (belated) birthday cake and exchange of presents. Lovely to see his family and we promised to see more of each other next year.

Hibernating with my folks for a couple of days now and within a few minutes of arriving Mum and I were enjoying a nice merlot while an old episode of The Good Life kept Dad amused.

I put on the Christmas glitter with this red polish ‘the apple of my eye’ and tried to inject a little bit of Christmas sparkle.

Lots of niggles and stresses the past month have made it a long one and I welcome a couple of days rest. Thankful to spend Christmas with family as I remember only too well how hard it was two years ago with my Mum in hospital at Christmas.

Thoughts with those who don’t have their family with them or are suffering with illness this Christmas.

Hope you get chance to relax over the next few days Blippers.

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