creative lenna

By creativelenna

Wow, that was fast!

I know some of you wanted to see a pic of my first catch with my new pink PENN fishing rod (see yesterday's entry). Well, Steve & I went out in the Scout boat this afternoon so I could try out the Christmas present he gave me and I caught not 1, but 4 Crevalle Jacks, the bulldog of the sea! Seriously, that is what they are called. Here I am with the largest one, showing off the rod that caught it too.

Steven taught me how to troll and cast out a lot of line so the lure, a spoon, would go along the bottom of the river. It worked well and it was hard work too as the Jacks fight so much. The one in the photo was pretty big too. Steve took a video of me catching it and it is pretty funny! I added it to a shared Google Album: Fishing with a Bald Eagle watching ...yes!! There was a beautiful Bald eagle way up in a dead tree,  watching us fish. Steve took some time to fish as well, but we were only out about an hour or so . . . I got tired reeling all those fish in! 

Crevalle Jacks are not very good eating, so our fishing was all catch & release. I am sure glad steve does all the un-hooking! He also caught a small ladyfish and that fish is shown in the album as well. Chloe enjoyed the outing and it was a peaceful way to spend Boxing Day! 

Thank you for your visits, comments, stars & faves. I appreciate your time in coming by! Best wishes to one & all. 

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