Another Celebration

A lazy day today after the excursions of the previous two days.

It is also a ‘blipversary’ for me - 4 years (or 1460 entries to be more precise) of continuous blipping. It seems such a long time since I started and it has become part of daily life now.

What a fabulous lot you - a daily tonic of photos and journals, heart wrenching, amusing educational and entertaining! I love it. Many thanks for all your comments, stars, hearts and support for my journal over the years.

I liked the view of these sheep all lined up eating. Just before I got the camera out they all had their heads in the feeder. Then one turned round to watch me (and presumably Finlay) and she wan’t going to turn round to feed again, so I just took the shot anyway. The sunlight was coming from a pretty low angle - and it almost looks as though I have used a flash to light it!

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