The Magnificent Seven

Opening of the hens today - not too happy as hailstones kept falling, which on a small hen must be painful! Only 7 as Izzy has gone broody again and won't come out the nesting area, pecking me when I pick her up to move her out! The hailstones didn't stop me from doing a little weeding and sorting out the fruit cage. The black and redcurrant bushes have grown too big for the space I allowed them and branches are poking through the netting! I thought I'd sort it now as easier when they don't have leaves or precious currants.
Talking of currants, my sister could not stop laughing today at a joke she found in her cracker. 
My friend drowned in a bowl of muesli. 
He was pulled in by a strong currant.

The crackers themselves were a bit of a let down - they would not pull apart and this also caused much hilarity as we pulled and pulled on them! We finally had to deconstruct them - sorting each piece into recyclable/ useful for crafting! The best part was the game we played with their contents - 6 wind up robins wearing different coloured Father Christmas hats! They were supposed to race down a track but were a squirly bunch of robins that kept going off track or falling flat on their faces! This again caused much laughter!  More so when we set them at Milkshake! 
Seemed to be a day for amusement - my sister decided to start again with the mitten she was making as she felt it was too lumpy - when I asked her what she was doing she replied "frogging." "Say what?"  said I. Apparently because you are ripping it back - " rip-it, rip-it, rip-it!!!"

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