
By Alaska

Night of the Radishes (Noche de Rabanos)

Every 23 December, a spectacular event that is unique to Oaxaca takes place in the zócalo (main plaza). Special giant radishes are grown and then carved into fantastic scenes and creatures. There are three categories of art - radishes, totomoxtle, which is figures made of corn husks, and flor  inmortal, which is dried flowers like what we call strawflowers. All materials used in the entire display must be totally natural - no plastic or metal. The radishes are held together with wooden toothpicks. 
We like to go early in the morning and watch people setting up their displays that are later judged and prizes awarded. I have never seen this part of the event because hundreds and hundreds of people (probably thousands!) line up for blocks for a chance to ooo and ah and photograph the wonderful creations. 
This year was the 123 rd anniversary of this event. 

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