Pleasantries With A Pheasant (One Calling Bird)

"Korr kok, korr kok, korr kok." I could hear the cock pheasant calling as I was showering this morning. He was strutting around in the front garden as I opened the curtains. As I finished my porridge I heard him calling again, so went out with the camera to investigate. He was on the roof of the potting shed looking resplendent in the sunshine. He was not spooked by my closeness and as usual I started to talk to him. We had a dialogue that lasted about ten minutes, then he flew down to our back door. I know I'm a bit mad but it seemed to me that he was trying to tell me something.

He trotted off under the hedge and I went for a walk down to the field. The female pheasant, one of his mates, was cowering in a similar position to yesterday. As I approached she didn't fly like she did last evening but tried to run. The poor thing is lame. :( Nothing I can do really but I gathered together some dried fruit and nuts and some water, took it down and put it on a log for her.

Today's poem is The Pobble Who Has No Toes by Edward Lear.

Bit ambivalent about this. I think fondly of The Owl And The Pussycat and the runcible spoon. As for a "Runcible Cat with crimson whiskers!" I'm not sure. I'm not one for fantasy. 

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