FlowerFriday29_2017 A new tagging system!

I've had to resort to a final (for this year) shot of the Christmas tree today, to find anything that resembles a flower.  I do have some rather faded real blooms but as we are leaving early Monday morning, I don't want to buy any more.
I've also included a shot of my alternative flower, Violet, who had a sleepover with us last night before being collected mid morning.  We won't see her again until the end of January, when I imagine we'll find her quite changed.
I've managed to get the paid work under control today, but the packing still looms large and I can't even think about the decorations.  Still, our house will not be empty during our holiday: The Son and Daughter #1 will be around to care for our 2 remaining pussy cats and generally take care of things

BikerBear, our host for FlowerFriday, has decided to start a new tagging system from officially 2018.  Here is what she says:

'This is the last of the existing "tag" system for FlowerFriday - next week it will be January 5th 2018 so could you please tag with: 

FlowerFriday5_2018   or   FF5_2018  ........ the following week with
FlowerFriday12_2018   or   FF12_2018    ...   and so on.

If you do use the existing FlowerFriday5, FlowerFriday, FF5 or FF I should be able to find you but it would be much easier with just the two different tags - not only for me but also for everyone else to track down your beautiful flowers each week. 

I appreciate that the 5th/12th/19th/26th will also occur in October but I think it's preferable to my current system and it's not too complicated - (day)date and year with an underscore in between!! 

I will also put all this in the challenges section but would appreciate your gentle guidance in the coming months for anyone you see who uses the old system  -  thank you.'

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