
I had a handful of new year's resolutions, last year, but the two most important ones to me were to lose weight and to exercise more. I was 106.1 kgs (16st 11lbs) on January 2nd, which was the first Monday, so that was my start point. 

I lost a few kilos in the first two or three weeks but then virtually nothing - just one or two more - until mid-May. I would have given up, I think, except I was publishing my weight loss on here every day and, well, it was just getting a bit embarrassing. 

So, I redoubled my efforts, and between then and the end October, I lost a further nine kilos. Since then, i.e. the last couple of months, I've stayed at around 92 kilos. 

During this time, I've gone from tentative three or four mile runs and half mile swims back up to the speeds and distances I used to do. I wouldn't say I'm quite as fit as I've ever been but I reckon I might be by the end of February, if I can shift these last few kilos and stick with the exercise. 

I've been careful over Christmas; I promised myself I wouldn't go above 94 kgs and I've managed that (although I came close, yesterday!). Today I went out and ran six and a half miles, and then rewarded myself with a Christmassy beer and cake. (And counting the calories, of course.)

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