Annoying Little Things

In many ways, this sums up 2017... lots, and lots, of little annoying things. But they only cast the shadows which give definition to the absolutely fantastic year it's been. 

I squirmed when I saw these tatty tins in Westonbirt Arboretum shop (the same place that sells these)... how far we've come and how far we have yet to go. I may have left them stacked just like this - someone might click.

When my youngest was much younger, I used to play this song to her. It's a song of inclusivity, of acceptance, of challenge and celebration. I hope in 2018 to be able to play it to the child of my eldest.

You can be anybody you want to be,
You can love whomever you will
You can travel any country where your heart leads
And know I will love you still
You can live by yourself, you can gather friends around,
You can choose one special one
And the only measure of your words and your deeds
Will be the love you leave behind when you're done.

As we enter the next calendrical cycle, may we all find ever more peace, fun and love. May the troubles around the world soften and heal, and may the media that delights in depressing us with them find something better to do.

But those little annoying things... I continue with my seven days of black and white images on Facebook with one I took a while back, when Brexit was still fresh and Trump was still only a laughing matter. I don't think I've felt far from this extra since then. It's called The Silent Scream.

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