Poor little cow

Angus the Highland bull with his magnificent horns looked very sad sitting in the waterlogged field with the rain falling in torrents. Not as sad as us though, having walked a few miles through muddy fields (I only slipped over once) drenched through by the torrential rain, and unable to take shelter in an Eynsford pub as we were too wet and covered in mud with solid clay clinging to our boots.

And so our New Year's Eve walk was not as pleasurable as we had hoped. Any views down into the Darent Valley were obliterated by the thick grey low lying cloud and, of course, the heavy incessant rain.

It was lovely to see the ducks enjoying the River Darent that was very high and looked as though it was about to burst it's banks.

Hope everyone has a good New Year's Eve and Happy Hogmanay to our Scottish fellow blippers.

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