Bird on a Cat

This is a female Black Headed Junco sitting on one of the garden sculptures I brought along with me to my new house. I needed a photo so I could post in my journal today and there was this little birdie posing so sweetly on the top of my cat sculpture. Blip photo in the bag.

Anna and I had breakfast this morning and then she headed off home. I cleaned up and then thought about my day today. On my white board it says, "free day," so I could choose what I wanted to do. My decision was to take the gift calendars to Cynthia and Phil if they were home and were okay with a quick visit. And to take Anna's calendar by her house as I'd forgotten to give it to her. 

I called Cynthia and she said, "come on down." Of course the short visit we had planned grew in length as we talked and talked. We had lots to catch up on as we've both been way too busy to stop and visit. I am so glad we were able to do that today. Again C and I noticed how we are "sisters but not twins" and had a long luxurious conversation before I headed to Anna's with her calendar and then home, and C went back to the chores she had hoped to complete today. Just a lovely time.

Now I'm home relaxing. I've been very mellow during the holidays and have been doing a great deal of quiet contemplation of life and love as I wonder what is coming in this stage of my life. Much will be the same as before: painting, photography, spending time with friends and family, enjoying the natural world. 

I know new parts of my life will open up and I'll be moving in some new directions. One of those will be movement and exercise. Now I walk, but haphazardly. I need to do something more consistent. C told me about the Silver Sneakers program she attends at the YMCA and it sounds great. A couple of other good friends attend and the time is human (9:30 am). I'm not a morning person so the 7 am exercise programs are just not for me. And I could use the exercise, so tomorrow I'm calling the Y and getting going on that. I can go on Mondays and Fridays and that should make a real difference in my physical wellbeing. 

I may do a bit of volunteering though I still want to move slowly on that. I have a tendency to fill every moment of my time and I don't want to do that right away. I want some time to explore what comes next before jumping in.

And finally I have begun to think about male companionship. I wouldn't have thought I'd be interested but some recent experiences alerted me to the fact that I feel a bit different than I thought I would. I'm not in any hurry and most definitely won't hit the dating sites, but if I meet somebody nice, I wouldn't mind exploring (very slowly and carefully) the possibility of spending some time with a nice guy. It surprises me that I feel this way. But there it is.

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