I want to be a unicorn

You know one of those days where you just want to escape? Me and the rest of the working world returning to a ton of emails I’m sure.

A grey miserable day today. Woke up full of thick snotty cold and dragged myself to the Kent Film Office with my Lemsip and soup.

My computer decided not to work so desk hopped this morning before going for a 2 mile ‘walking meeting’ at lunchtime. Seemed like a good idea until it bucketed down with rain and we got drenched.

IT spent most of the afternoon fixing my machine until at 4pm they handed it back over alas within 10 mins it was frozen again. Seriously, happy new year eh?!

Fast forward 90 mins and a frustrating call with the help desk later and I escape the office and head to Asda Living to buy a 3 year old’s birthday present.

Spotted these unicorns and wished I was a child again. Found some gorgeous 1 yr old baby clothes for a friend’s daughter’s birthday and a CARS the movie annual for my other friend’s 3 yr old.

Collapsed on the sofa this evening with lemsip and pizza (not the healthy supper I’d planned) watching Festive Bake Off on repeat feeling utterly exhausted. Phew!

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